Sunday, January 18, 2009


My favorite book is CRACKER! The Best Dog in Vietman. I actually have never read the book, but I have listened to it on CD about 40 times. I check it out from the library all the time!

Cracker is a dog that lives with a boy and his parents. When the father loses his job, they have to move to an apartment. The owner tells them they have to get rid of Cracker. One night when the parents were playing bridge, they started arguing about the Vietnam War. Someone mentioned that they needed German Shepherds to go help with the war.

Cracker was picked up by a few soldiers and sent to the 167 IPSD Training Camp in Georgia. Cracker was assigned Rick as her handler, and together they were sent to Vietnam to "whip the world". Cracker was an awesome dog! She went on about 10 missions and because she was so good, she went on a special forces mission. She helped save 8 soldiers. They all made it back safely, and that is my mini review.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Back to School

Tomorrow I go back to school. I am in the 3rd grade at Jean Callison Elementary School in Vacaville, CA. My teacher is Mrs. Smith. She is nice. I had a good vacation.